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A no-nonsense medicinal mushroom and psilocybin newsletter. Cancel the noise and spammy ads and get all the mushroom news you need in one place.
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Our team is committed to staying on top of the latest industry news, trends, and insights.
Every Newsletter is Jam-Packed With:
Legislation Updates
We've subscribed to just about every channel and every RSS feed out there. And that means we'll be able to keep a close eye on state legislation for psilocybin, psychedelics, and clinical trials. And unlike some OTHER sites, access to our legislation database is completely free. Always has, always will be.
The Latest News
We've got a pulse on the top 10 research companies, the top commercial retailers, and so much more. Things change fast. And that means we'll be able to share news and updates with you in the mushroom world - from new research, new companies, and new products, all in one feed.
Educational Content
Our team of researchers and writers are passionate about learning - and then sharing their findings with the world. We'll send you only the best of the best from our medicinal mushrooms and psilocybin blogs. So you can talk the talk AND walk the walk in the mushroom community.
Top Products (No Spam!)
There is so much - pardon our language - CRAP out there these days. Too many companies take advantage of selling trends and buyer ignorance to make a sale. Anyone we feature on our site is someone we've done an enormous amount of third-party research on. We've talked to customer support, seen COAs, read reviews, and talked to customers. That means you're only getting the best-of-the-best product reviews and recommendations from our site.
Tell Us What You Want to See
Our newsletter was created by mushroom enthusiasts FOR mushroom enthusiasts. That means there are real humans on the other end of our email. Tell us what you want to read. Tell us what you could do without. After all, this is all for you! (And for us. It's also for us.)

Subscribe to the MorningMush!
The one-stop shop for product reviews, news, and information surrounding the world of mushrooms. (Don't worry, we only send you the important stuff. We hate spammy emails, too.)